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March 5, 2025
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E-learning pour apprendre à maîtriser les entretiens du conseil en strat'

Our training courses

Support des webinars (version publique)
Webinar support
Guide Ultime Public
Ultimate Guide (public version)
Niveau #1 - Junior
Level #1 - Introduction to strategy consulting
Niveau #2 - Consultant
Level #2 - Screening and fundamentals
Niveau #3 - Manager
Level #3 - Step up to case studies
Niveau #4 - Principal
Level #4 - Accelerated preparation
Niveau #5 - Partner
Level #5 - Preparing for the final rounds
Niveau #6 - PrepaStrat Master
Level #6 - MBB integration
MBB - Épreuves spécifiques
Online tests + specific tests
Guide ultime
Ultimate Guide (complete version) + Sample evaluation grid
Support des webinars
Webinar materials and videos (private version)
Bootcamp support
Cabinet cards & Memo cards

Skill-based courses

      1. 4.1 Focus on market trends
      2. 4.3. Profit & Growth approach structure
      3. 4.5. Pricing approach structure
      4. 4.7. Market-sizing - Sales
      5. 5.1. Structure Entering a new market
      6. 5.3 Profit + Growth - Solutions
      7. 5.7. Launching a new product
      8. 6.2. Private Equity approach structure
      9. 6.4. M&A approach structure
      10. 6.4.1. MATHS - Valuation methods
      11. 6.6. Approach structure - Response to competition
      12. BCG online case study (round 1)
      13. Group case study - Accenture Strat
      1. 4.4 Convincing in less than 2 minutes
      2. 5.5. Make your experience shine (STAR)
      3. 5.6. Answers to standard questions
      4. 6.8. Q&A - What questions should I ask?
      1. 5.4. Accounting (P&L), the essentials
      2. 6.1. Finance (NPV, Free Cash Flows)
      3. 6.3. Essential basics: Limited developments
      1. 4.2 Value chain
      2. 4.6. sector essentials - 2
      3. 4.8. Data for Business cases
      4. 5.2. Price elasticity
      5. 5.8. Sector essentials - 3
      6. 5.9. CAS - Response structures
      7. 6.5. Key Success Factors
      8. 6.7 Attractiveness - accessibility matrix
      9. 6.9. Sector essentials - 4
      10. 6.10. Must-haves Sectors - Consolidated sheet
      1. End-of-course questionnaire #4
      2. End-of-course questionnaire #5
      3. End-of-training questionnaire
      1. McKinsey
      2. BCG
      3. Bain
      4. Roland Berger
      5. Kearney
      6. Wyman
      7. L.E.K
      8. Advancy
      9. E.Y. Parthenon
      10. Strategy &
      11. Glossary of terms and acronyms used in strategy consulting
      1. Bootcamp - Support - Full version -2024