General terms and conditions of sale and use

Procedures updated on January 01, 2023



Pursuant to Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, this article specifies the identity of the various parties involved in its implementation and monitoring.

The PrepaStrat website is published by:
PREPASTRAT, whose head office is located at the following address: 22 passage du Génie, 75012 PARIS 12, and registered with the RCS PARIS 890 521 172.
Telephone: 0622533333 / E-mail address:
The website's publication director is: Mr Pierre-Adrien Justice.

The PrepaStrat site is hosted by:
1&1 Internet SARL, whose head office is located at the following address:
7 place de la gare 57201 SARREGUEMINES
Telephone number: 05 53 54 02 40


The purpose of the PrepaStrat website is:
Online training


For any question or request for information concerning the site, or any report of illicit content or activities, the user may contact the editor at the following e-mail address: or send a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to : Pierre-Adrien Justice - 153 avenue Achille Peretti, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France


Access to and use of the site are subject to acceptance of and compliance with these Terms and Conditions of Use.
The publisher reserves the right to modify the site and its services, as well as these Terms and Conditions of Use, at any time and without prior notice, in particular to adapt to changes in the site by making new features available or deleting or modifying existing features.
The user is therefore advised to refer to the latest version of the Terms and Conditions of Use, which can be accessed at any time on the site, before browsing the site. In the event of disagreement with the GCU, the user may not use the site.


The publisher uses the technical solutions at its disposal to allow access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, it may at any time suspend, limit or interrupt access to the site or to certain pages thereof in order to carry out updates, modifications to its content or any other action deemed necessary for the proper operation of the site.
Connecting to and browsing the PrepaStrat site implies unreserved acceptance of the present General Terms of Use, whatever the technical means of access and the terminals used.
The present GTU apply, as appropriate, to any declination or extension of the site on existing or future social and/or community networks.


For the proper management of the site, the publisher may at any time:
Suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the site, or restrict access to the site, or to certain parts of the site, to a specific category of Internet user;
Delete any information that may disrupt its operation or contravene national or international laws, or the rules of Netiquette;
Suspend the site in order to carry out updates.



Access to certain services, and in particular to all paid services, is conditional upon the user's registration.
Registration and access to the site's services are reserved exclusively for capable natural persons who have completed and validated the registration form available online on the PrepaStrat site, as well as the present General Conditions of Use.

When registering, users undertake to provide accurate, truthful and up-to-date information about themselves and their civil status. The user must also regularly check his or her personal data to ensure that it is accurate.
The user must provide a valid e-mail address, to which the site will send confirmation of his or her registration for services. An e-mail address may not be used more than once to register for services.
All communications sent by PrepaStrat and its partners are therefore deemed to have been received and read by the user. The user therefore undertakes to consult messages received at this e-mail address on a regular basis and to reply within a reasonable period of time if necessary.
Only one registration to the site's services is allowed per individual.
The user is allocated an identifier enabling him/her to access an area reserved for him/her (hereinafter "Personal Area"), in addition to entering his/her password.
The identifier is definitive, but the password can be changed online by the user in his/her Personal Area. The password is personal and confidential, and the user undertakes not to communicate it to third parties.
PrepaStrat reserves the right to refuse any request for registration to the services in the event of non-compliance by the user with the provisions of these General Conditions of Use.


Regularly registered users may request to be removed from the list at any time by visiting the dedicated page in their Personal Area. Any unsubscription from the site will be effective immediately after the user has filled in the form provided for this purpose.


The user is hereby informed that the publisher reserves the right to delete the personal space of any user who contravenes the present conditions of use and sale, and more particularly in the following cases:
If the user makes illicit use of the site;
If the user, when creating his/her personal space, voluntarily transmits erroneous information to the site;
If the user has not been active on his/her personal space for at least one year.
Should the editor decide to delete the user's personal space for one of these reasons, this will not constitute a loss for the user whose account has been deleted.
This deletion will not constitute a waiver of any legal action that the editor may take against the user who has contravened these rules.


The publisher is only responsible for the content it has published.
The publisher is not liable for :
In the event of technical or IT problems or failures, or of the site's compatibility with any hardware or software whatsoever;
Direct or indirect, material or immaterial, foreseeable or unforeseeable damage resulting from the use of, or difficulties in using, the site or its services;
The intrinsic characteristics of the Internet, in particular those relating to the unreliability and lack of security of the information circulating on it;
illicit content or activities using the site, without the user having been duly informed, in accordance with Law no. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy and Law no. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.
In addition, the site cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the information published on it.
The user is responsible for:
the protection of his equipment and data;
the use he makes of the site or its services;
any breach of the letter or spirit of these GCU.


The site may contain hyperlinks to other websites over which PrepaStrat has no control. In spite of prior and regular checks carried out by the publisher, the latter declines all responsibility for the content that may be found on these sites.
The publisher authorizes the setting up of hypertext links to any page or document on its site, provided that the setting up of these links is not carried out for commercial or advertising purposes.
In addition, the publisher of the site must be informed before any hypertext link is set up.
Excluded from this authorization are sites disseminating information of an illicit, violent, polemical, pornographic or xenophobic nature, or which may offend the sensibilities of a large number of people.
Finally, PrepaStrat reserves the right to remove a hypertext link to its site at any time, if the site considers it to be in breach of its editorial policy.


In addition to these General Terms and Conditions, the site has a privacy policy which describes how personal data is processed when the user visits the site, and how cookies are used.
By browsing the site, the user also declares that he/she has read the aforementioned privacy policy.


The structure of the site, as well as the texts, graphics, images, photographs, sounds, videos and computer applications that make it up, are the property of the publisher and are protected as such by the laws in force concerning intellectual property.
Any representation, reproduction, adaptation or partial or total exploitation of the content, trademarks and services offered by the site, by any process whatsoever, without the prior, express and written authorization of the publisher, is strictly forbidden and would be likely to constitute an infringement within the meaning of articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. With the exception of those elements expressly designated as free of rights on the site.
Access to the site does not constitute recognition of a right, and in general does not confer any intellectual property right relating to any element of the site, which remain the exclusive property of the publisher.
The user is forbidden to introduce data to the site that would modify or be likely to modify its content or appearance.


The present General Terms of Use are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute and in the absence of an amicable agreement, the dispute will be brought before the French courts in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction in force.
The PrepaStrat site wishes you an excellent browsing experience!


0. Designation

PREPASTRAT is a continuing professional training organization for adults in interviewing for strategy consulting firms. PrepaStrat is domiciled at 22 passage du Génie 75012 PARIS 12, under SIRET number: 890 521 172 00019, currently registered with the Direction Régionale des Entreprises, de la Concurrence, de la Consommation, du Travail et de l'Emploi (DIRECCTE).

PrepaStrat designs, develops and delivers a professional training program designed to prepare candidates for job interviews with strategy consulting firms, and is therefore aimed at helping candidates find employment, whether they are in the process of completing their studies or already in the workforce.

In the following paragraphs, the following terms are used:
- Customer: any individual or legal entity who registers or orders training from PrepaStrat.
- Trainee: the individual who participates in a training course.
- CGV: the general terms and conditions of sale, detailed below.
- OPCA: the bodies responsible for collecting and managing the training effort of companies.

1. Purpose

These general terms and conditions of sale apply to the two main categories of professional training courses offered by PrepaStrat: "Intensive Bootcamp to prepare for strategy consulting interviews" and "Real-life interviewing courses", which include different learning paths depending on the number of interview sessions and the options subscribed to. Registration for these courses implies full and unreserved acceptance of these terms and conditions.

2. Financial conditions, regulations and payment terms

All prices are quoted in euros and include all taxes.

To reserve a training session, the following two elements must be sent or deposited together:
- A deposit cheque for 30% of the total cost of the training
- The duly completed and signed training contract/agreement

These should be sent to PREPASTRAT at 22 passage du Génie, 75012 PARIS 12.
Cheques should be made payable to "PREPASTRAT".
Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Terms and conditions for cashing the deposit check
- If the training is paid for by a funding organization, the deposit check will not be cashed.
- If the trainee does not have his or her training paid for by a third-party organization, the deposit check will be cashed at the start of the training. No sum will be demanded from the trainee before expiry of the withdrawal period stipulated in article L. 6353-5.

The outstanding balance can be paid as follows:
- In a single instalment: cheque or bank transfer for the balance, which will only be cashed at the end of the course
- In several instalments: cheques with cashing dates on the back (3 cheques maximum)

Any sum not paid on the due date will automatically and without prior notice lead to the application of penalties equal to one time the legal interest rate. PrepaStrat shall have the right to obtain payment by legal action at the customer's expense, without prejudice to any other damages that may be due to PrepaStrat.

In the event of payment by the customer's OPCA, it is the customer's responsibility to apply for reimbursement before the start of the course. The financing agreement must be communicated at the time of registration and on the copy of the quotation which the customer returns to PrepaStrat duly completed, dated, stamped, signed and marked "Bon pour accord". In the event of partial reimbursement by the OPCA, the difference will be invoiced directly by PrepaStrat to the customer. If PrepaStrat does not receive the customer's agreement to cover the cost of the training at least one working day before the start of the training, PrepaStrat reserves the right to refuse the trainee's enrolment or to invoice him/her for the full cost of the training.

In exceptional cases, payment may be made in instalments. In all cases, the terms and conditions must be formalized before the start of the training course.

3. Withdrawal and replacement of a participant

In the event of cancellation by the customer at least 7 days before the start of the training course, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt sent to : PREPASTRAT, 22 passage du Génie 75012 PARIS 12; PrepaStrat offers the customer the possibility:
- to postpone the trainee's enrolment to a later training course, duly scheduled by PrepaStrat, and subject to the possible agreement of the OPCA,
- to replace the trainee prevented from attending by another participant, subject to the possible agreement of the OPCA. This last possibility does not apply to intermittent workers in the entertainment industry.
The deposit cheque will be retained and cashed, up to a maximum of 30% of the training price, in accordance with the provisions of article L6353-6 of the French Employment Code, in the event of withdrawal after the expiry of the withdrawal period.

4. Withdrawal period

Within 10 days of signing the contract, the trainee may withdraw by sending a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to PREPASTRAT at 22 passage du Génie, 75012 PARIS 12 (Article L6353-5 of the French Employment Code).
The withdrawal period is extended to 14 days (Article L.121-16 of the French Consumer Code) for contracts concluded "at a distance" and "off-premises". of the French Consumer Code) for "distance" and "off-premises" contracts.
No sums may be demanded from the trainee before expiry of the withdrawal period stipulated in article L.6353-5 of the French Labor Code. No sum in excess of 30% of the agreed price may be paid on expiry of this period.
In the event of cancellation of the course by the training organization, for whatever reason, the deposit will be reimbursed in full without delay.

5. Absence or interruption of training

Any module started is due in full and will be invoiced to the customer by PrepaStrat. In the event of absence or interruption, PrepaStrat's invoicing will distinguish between the price corresponding to the days actually attended by the trainee and the sums due for absence or interruption of training. It is reminded that the sums due by the customer in this respect cannot be deducted by the customer from his obligation to participate in professional training, nor be the subject of a request for reimbursement by an OPCA.
In this case, the customer undertakes to pay the sums which would remain payable directly to PrepaStrat.

6. Opening hours and reception

Unless otherwise indicated on the invitation, the duration of the "Intensive Bootcamp for strategy consulting interview preparation" training course is set at 5 days, 35 hours, at a rate of 7 hours per day.
Unless otherwise indicated, the training course will run from 09:30 to 12:30 and from 13:30 to 17:30, with a break in the middle of each half-day, by videoconference or in a training room rented by PrepaStrat for this purpose.
Unless otherwise specified, the real-life interview sessions provided for in the "Real-life interview courses" will take place by default via videoconference using one of the technical tools provided for this purpose: Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc. Interview sessions can also take place face-to-face at a location agreed between the candidate and the coach, provided that health conditions allow.

7. Membership and adjournment

To ensure the best possible learning conditions, each "Intensive Bootcamp to prepare for strategy consulting interviews" is limited to 10 trainees.
Registrations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. The issue of a quotation does not constitute registration. Only quotations duly completed, dated, stamped, signed and marked "Bon pour accord" and returned to PrepaStrat are binding.
Once the number of trainees has been reached, registrations are closed. PrepaStrat may then offer the Trainee the opportunity to participate in a new session or to be placed on a waiting list.
Should the number of participants be insufficient to ensure the smooth running of a training session, PrepaStrat reserves the right to postpone the session at the latest one week before the scheduled date, without compensation.

8. Quotation and certificate

For each training action paid for by a third-party organization, PrepaStrat sends the customer a quotation. A copy duly completed, dated, stamped, signed and marked "Bon pour accord" must be returned to PREPASTRAT by any means at the customer's convenience: post, e-mail, hand-delivery at 22 passage du Génie, 75012 PARIS 12.
If the training is not paid for by a third-party organization, the terms and conditions relating to the estimate are not compulsory. The customer will send to PrepaStrat or deposit on site his registration file composed of the duly completed and signed training contract and the deposit cheque.
If necessary, a special agreement may be drawn up between PrepaStrat, the OPCA or the Customer.
On completion of the training, PrepaStrat will issue a training certificate to the Trainee. In the event of partial or total reimbursement by an OPCA, PrepaStratet will send the OPCA a copy of this certificate together with the invoice.
A certificate of attendance for each Trainee can be supplied to the Customer, on request.

9. Obligations and force majeure

Within the framework of its training services, PrepaStrat is bound by an obligation of means and not of result towards its Customers or its Trainees.
PrepaStrat cannot be held responsible towards its Customers or its Trainees in the event of non-performance of its obligations resulting from a fortuitous event or force majeure. The following are considered to be fortuitous events or force majeure, in addition to those usually recognized by jurisprudence: illness or accident of a trainer, strikes or labor disputes external to PrepaStrat, natural disasters, fires, interruption of telecommunications, energy supply or transportation of any kind, or any other circumstance beyond the reasonable control of PrepaStrat.

10. Intellectual property and copyright

All content and teaching aids, whatever their form (paper, electronic, digital, oral, etc.) used by PrepaStrat to provide training courses or given to trainees, constitute original works and as such are protected by intellectual property and copyright.
As such, the Customer and the Trainee undertake not to use, transmit, reproduce, exploit or transform all or part of these documents, without the express agreement of PrepaStrat. This prohibition applies, in particular, to any use made by the Customer and the Trainee with a view to organizing or running training courses.

11. Course description and program

Program content, as shown in the "Detailed Training Program", is provided for information only. The instructor or training manager reserve the right to modify them according to current events, the level of participants or the dynamics of the group.

12. Confidentiality and communication

PrepaStrat, the customer and the trainee undertake to keep confidential all documents and information to which they may have access during the training service or during exchanges prior to registration, in particular all elements included in the proposal sent by PrepaStrat to the customer.
PrepaStrat undertakes not to communicate to third parties other than the partners with whom the training courses are organized and to the OPCA, the information transmitted by the customer, including information concerning the trainees.
However, the customer agrees to be cited by PrepaStrat as a customer of its training courses. To this end, the customer authorizes PrepaStrat to mention its name and an objective description of the nature of the services provided in its reference lists and proposals to prospects and customers, interviews with third parties, activity reports, as well as in the event of legal, regulatory or accounting provisions requiring it.

13. Protection of and access to personal information

The Customer undertakes to inform each Trainee that:
- personal data concerning him/her is collected and processed for the purposes of monitoring training validation and improving the PrepaStrat offer.
- in accordance with French law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, the Trainee has the right to access, modify and rectify any personal data concerning him or her.
In particular, PrepaStrat will keep data relating to the Trainee's course and the evaluation of his or her skills, for a period not exceeding the time required to assess the training.
Finally, PrepaStrat undertakes to delete any images taken by any video means during practical work at the end of the exercises.

14. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The general terms and conditions detailed in this document are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute arising between the Customer and PrepaStrat concerning the interpretation of these terms and conditions or the performance of the contract, an amicable solution will be sought. Failing this, the Paris Courts will have sole jurisdiction to settle the dispute.