Blog ⋅ Préparation

Mastering the different types of case studies in strategy consulting

The case study is the most dreaded test for candidates during strategy consulting interviews, not least because there are an infinite number of possible cases. You'll need to master the most common types of case study.

Passing the strategy consulting case study test

The case study is the ultimate test in strategy consulting firm interviews. Dreaded by candidates, the case study is an exercise that responds to precise consultant codes on which the candidate is evaluated.

Market sizing in 5 steps

Market sizing is an essential part of the recruitment process for strategy consulting firms. In just a few minutes, the market sizing exercise enables your interviewer to assess your analytical and reasoning skills.

How do I join a strategy consulting firm?

Joining a strategy consulting firm and becoming a strategy consultant is a real obstacle course. 1% is the rate of selectivity between the number of applications received each year and the number of places available.